Get quotes from the Holy Bible with out latest look and feel! New release 4.0 brings you the best bible quotations in the latest Android layout. Feel free to email us about any comments or suggestions!
Bible Quotes brings you many great verses from the bible. Get inspired by a new quote every day.
Quotes updated often. New features being added all the time.
Added one step Facebook Sharing
LookUp is our new feature to lookup a verse in the bible. (This idea was given to us from one of our great users, Johnny Digital. Thank You!)
Save favorites
Share quotes with others through via: SMS, Email, Twitter, Facebook, GoogleVoice, WordPress. (For Facebook sharing please use the “FB Share” Button)
Add quote to clipboard. (long press the quote to add it)
Add your own Bible verse.
LookUp is our latest feature to lookup a verse in the bible. (This idea was given to us from one of our great users, Johnny Digital. Thank You!)
Optimized for Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
If you would like to help us improve our apps please download our Bible Quotes (Donate) app. It is only $0.99. It is the same application but is used as a way for you to donate. With this money will will be able to make new features and better ways for you and others to read through amazing bible quotes.
The donation will also go to helping us build our new Online Bible Community that will be rolling out in the next few weeks! Thank You & God Bless
What’s new in Bible Quotes 4.1.4
Fixed occasional crash on ‘favorites’ and ‘add quote’ pages.