Free Download Digital clock & world weather v1.05.29 apk

Digital clock & world weather v1.05.29 Requirements: 2.3+ Overview: Digital clock & world weather is a full featured, weather application and widget. The application and widget feature the following: - 10 widget skins to choose from (more skins coming in the future) - Support for additional (external) theme packs - 4 weather icon skins - Portrait or landscape mode - 12 or 24 hour clock with date - Current location (city, country) taken automatically from cell/wifi or GPS, or specified by the user - Weather conditions for current location (condition and temperature, low and high temperatures and weather icon) - Detailed current weather forecast display that includes the following: - Local time (for current location) - Sunrise and sunset time for current location - Humidity, pressure, chance of rain, dew point, visibility, UV index and wind conditions - Current condition, temperature, low and high temperatures - Last weather update time - Background according to the weather condition and day/night - Optional display of the current moon phase - 24 hourly weather forecast - 24 hourly wind forecast - 7 day future forecast - Future forecast details (sunrise, sunset, moon phase, wind, humidity and chance of rain - World weather: Choose to display weather information for any number of different locations worldwide The application is localized in the following languages: Afrikaans, العربية, български, Català, 中文 (简体), 中文 (繁體), Hrvatski, Čeština, Dansk, Nederlands, Suomi, Français, Deutsch, Ελληνικά, , עברית, Magyar, Bahasa Indonesia, Italiano, 한국어, Lietuvių, македонски, Polski, Português (Brazil), Português (Portugal), Română, русский, Српски (Ћирилица), Srpski (Latinica), Slovenčina, Español (Spain), Svenska, ไทย, Türkçe, Українська, Tiếng Việt Please report any issues/suggestions via e-mail. MOD: Remove layout banners Remove spam links form weather screen ( ...) Remove ads from native code Remove Interstitial Ad Remove permissions Disable Google analytics Remove dependences Corrupt ads links Google Maps working etc...(a lot of work there :D ) WHAT'S NEW Version 1.05.29 - [new] Option to delete settings files - [new] Norwegian and Persian localization - [new] Display extended weather information by default (in weather forecast page) - [chg] Allow editing the default location name if not using dynamic location - [chg] Show current time in font selection - [chg] Advance to current time in hourly conditions - [fix] Fixed system font display in font selection - [fix] Bug fixes and optimizations This app has no advertisements More Info: Code: Download Instructions: Mirrors:

Free Download Digital clock & world weather v1.05.29 apk