Requirements: Android 1.5+
Overview: Zelda Soundboard EXTENDED is a collection of the most popular sounds from the Legend of Zelda – Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess.
This version has that free version does not:
-Will not delete the previous ringtone or notification allowing you to set different tones for different contacts.
-Has more than twice the amount of sounds including Twilight Princess Soundtrack
-A much more sophisticated way of downloading and settings the songs.
Since their are so many sounds in Zelda it is impossible to make all of the sounds available on one application. I definitely got a good batch of the popular ones but if you would like a sound added simply shoot me an email describing the sound you would like. It wont take me long to add a sound so don’t be afraid to ask!!
ALL files on the ‘Sound’ tab will stream to the phone over the internet when selected in order to save memory on your phone. You shouldn’t notice any long wait times (even on 3g) but WiFi will of course work much faster.
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