Requirements: Android 2.3+
Overview: WARNING: If you receive the “Missing assets” error message, this is a bug with the theme engine and not with the theme. Hit apply anyway and the theme will apply perfectly fine.
Introducing Black Exodus for the CM9/AOKP/Gummy Theme Chooser!
As most of you know, Black Exodus was one of the first Galaxy Nexus themes and my aim was to get a Black/Dark experience whilst maintaining an excellent battery life. My inspiration was from Pele’s theme Black Android, I had the pleasure of porting this theme to the Galaxy S2 and knew the ins and outs of this theme so when I got a Galaxy Nexus I wanted to make an original theme and then Black Exodus was born. I updated the theme almost daily with more and more features with Inverted Apps.
Now the Theme Chooser has been ported to ICS (Thanks Arcee) I will be moving all my themes to the Theme Chooser. This is the pro version version on the Market.
Install Instructions:
-Once You’ve bought the app and its installed
-Go to Settings > Themes (This is for CM9 but similar on AOKP/Gummy)
-Select Black Exodus
-Click “Apply Anyway”
More Info:
Download Instructions:…dus_8.apk.html