Requirements: 2.2 and up
Overview: Ever wanted to use your smartphone without touching the screen? Now you can!!
With Hovering Controls you can use your phone just like Samsung Galaxy S4 does with Air Gesture and much more!
If you find this app usefull for you, consider buying it for supporting new updates, thank you.
Hovering Controls uses the proximity sensor of your device to register simple motions performed in front of your device. Predetermined apps can be launched by either hovering over the sensor, swiping once, or swiping twice. Silencing an alarm or ringtone is as simple as a hand wave. You can also control your media playback this way, allowing you to change to the next or previous song or video without ever turning on the phone screen and physically touching it.
Do you like Quick Glance from Galaxy S4? Now you can have it too!!
And that is not all, you can lock/unlock your phone, answer calls, slide betwen photos in your gallery and scroll up/down in your browser!! (some features need a rooted device)
Two modes are available, both offering a different take on opening apps:
Target mode: open a pre-determined app with a set gesture
Carousel mode: open up apps from a set list of apps
Promotional video is from early Beta.
The app uses proximity sensor, use test sensor in menu to test your sensor sensibility and finde how you have to wave for it to detect. If you decide to hide notification icon, the service may stop working if android needs memery resources (it will stop detecting events ) for a while until it is restarted by its own.
Known issues:
- browser scroll, gallery swipe and unlock may not work, depend on phone model, fix in next update.
- for some users, slide twice is difficult, we are implementing a new shake system.
- phone app is open when choosing contacts and sometimes it crash.
Features for NO ROOT:
- Set apps to open with all the available gestures.
- Silence alarm.
- Silence incoming call.
- Switch betwen recent apps (like back and forward beheaviour)
- Fast go to home screen
- QuickGlance like Galaxy S4 has!!! (or choose to show your lockscreen)
- Control your music player (next/previous/pause/resume) even with screen off!!!
- Shake phone during a call to activate/deactivate speakerphone.
- Answer incoming call, just put your phone near to your ear (it uses Hover Hold motion)
Features for ROOT USERS:
- All previous features.
- AutoShoot pictures/videos, no need to push the button again!
- Unlock screen with two hand slides! (not available with secure lockscreens yet, future updates)
- Slide betwen your photos in your image gallery (1 slide->next, 2 slides->previous)
- Scroll up and down in your browser (1 slide->down, 2 slides->up)
More features to come as well as translations!!!
What’s New
- Music Controls fully implemented, read instructions in description.
- Unlock lockscreen for NON ROOT!!
- Fix a FC when answering a call.
- Other tweaks.
- Cleaned code for less ram usage and faster execution.
- Changed root code: root options should work better.
- Samsung Alarms now mute on wave, bugged in last version.
- Test Sensor own service now stops properly when exiting.
- HTC Sense added for gallery slides.
- Contacts and Phone and other apps now work properly
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