Requirements: Android 2.3+
Overview: BLACK CM9/CM10/CM10.1/AOKP Theme Chooser THEME
For HDPI and XHDPI phones.
AMOLED Battery Saver!!
- Completely Grayed/Blackened Stock Android
- Black backgrounds
- Black popups
- Battery Percentage with ‘%’ instead of small battery icon
- Stock Smileys (like in whatsapp)
Themed Apps
- Android
- Apollo
- Browser
- Calculator
- Camera
- Clock (also 4.2)
- Contacts
- E-Mail
- Gallery (also 4.2)
- Google Play Music
- Keyboard
- Launcher/CM-Launcher/Apex Launcher(pro)/Nova Launcher(prime)
- Phone
- Settings
- Statusbar
Also themed in Donate Version
- aCalendar
- Calendar
- Facebook
- Facebook Messenger
- GMail
- Google Ears
- Google Talk
- Google Search
- Play Store
- Root Browser (+ removed ad )
- Solid Explorer
- Ubermusic
- Youtube
- Google Translate
- Ebay
- Instagram
- Swype [classic Design]
- Twitter
- Paypal
more to come…
> If you still have black text on sms app, goto settings and set “use black theme” !
> Ignore the “Sorry, this theme is missing assets for your device’s screen size.” message!
> If you get an “improperly compiled” Error message, it is CM bug, not from Theme! It sometimes comes when more than one Theme installed. Uninstall another or reinstall should solve!
Reboot required after applying the Theme to take full effect!
What’s new in this version:
Version 2.7
- Email send button more visible
- added some more icons
- fix white Keyboard popup on landscape mode
- new theme icon
- Blacked out Rom Toolbox (donate only)
- Blacked out VLC Player (donate only)
- Blacked out Google Videos (donate only)
- Blacked out Dropbox (donate only)
- Blacked out Skype (donate only)
- smaller changes
as always please report bugs instead of give bad rating, i will fix ASAP!
More Info:
Download Instructions: