Requirements:Android 1.6 or higher
Overview:Celebrate the release of Amazing Spiderman with this awesome dark spider theme, to rev your smartphone lockscreen experience.
Some Anti Virus apps are reporting is as a malware, but we assure its not, its some problem with Go Locker too, but we are not breaching privacy.
GO Locker Dark Spider Theme, design to GO Launcher EX, is available now!
Notice:Make sure GO locker V1.04 has been installed.
1. Make sure GO Launcher EX V2.58 or above and GO Locker v1.04 has been installed;
2. Click “MENU—->Preferences—->Theme Settings—->GO Locker—->My locker” to choose the theme
For those all out there who loved watching and reading spider just like we do.
Celebrate this year’s super hero movies like amazing spiderman, avengers, dark knight rises feel and excitement with this superhero themed go locker.
Note: The resources app uses are under the copyright of their respective owners. In case it violates any rights please let us know we’ll remove the subjected contents immediately.This app does not contain any spiderman pic,images,video or is not any how related or connected to spiderman comics,spiderman movies i.e spiderman1,spiderman2,spiderman3 or Amazing Spiderman. Thank You.
Recent changes:
Please Update, Battery Low bug fixed**
Content rating: Low Maturity
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