Free Download Total Commander for Android v1.0 Final + Plugs apk
Requirements: Android 1.6+
Overview: Total Commander for Android is a twin panel file manager
Main features:
Copy, Move whole subdirs
Inplace rename, create dirs
Delete (no recycle bin)
Zip and unzip, unrar
Properties dialog, change attributes
Built-in text editor
Search function (also for text)
Select/unselect groups of files
Select by tapping on file icons
List of installed Apps (built-in plugin)
FTP client (plugin)
WebDAV (Web folders) (plugin)
LAN access (plugin)
Root support for the main functions
Send files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
Thumbnails for pictures
Two panels side by side, or virtual two panel mode
Bookmarks as in Total Commander
Directory history through dropdown list
Configurable button bar for changing directories, internal commands, launching apps, and sending shell commands
Simple help function in English, German, Russian, Ukrainian and Czech
Supported languages of the main program: English, German, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Traditional Chinese and Ukrainian
What’s new:
2012-05-18 Fixed: Position cursor on renamed file when renaming single file via context menu
2012-05-15 Fixed: Use android:configChanges=”locale” for all top level dialogs to avoid flickering on screen orientation changes when using a non-default locale
2012-05-15 Added: Show hint about selecting files each time the user chooses a function without selecting anything
2012-05-15 Added: New menu item “Totalcmd (file:)” which returns “file:” URL as in older TC versions, e.g. when attaching a file in GMail app
2012-05-15 Fixed: Return “content:” URL instead of “file:” to GET_CONTENT intent. See:
2012-05-10 Fixed: Program flickering on Android 4 after rotating screen by 90� (only when language different from system was chosen)
2012-05-08 Fixed: Crash trying to unbind service if the service was closed by Android
2012-05-08 Fixed: Handle case where the background service is restarted – then the passed intent is null!
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